Friday, September 25, 2009

Halloween Tricksters!

Heres my newest design. hope you like....

Buzy Month!

Hiya! Boy its been a buzy month. I just met myself coming in the door!

Painting classes:
My new Autumn Design on the shirt went over well. I ended up repeating it for some who couldn't attend the first class. AND I've done another new design for Halloween! Its called "Halloween Tricksters!" (I'll post a photo soon). I'm teaching it Oct.8 on RocLon room drapery fabric as a banner. Cute!! if I do say so myself. grin. Both are now E-packets. I'm slowly converting all of my packets to e-packets(pdf files). It takes awhile-esp since I didn't know how to set up files properly when I started all my computer stuff. duhhh.

Clay Classes: I started up a new clay class in Washington and everyone there (5) did very well and I think they'd like to continue to have classes. I do! We are doing a Flower Cane this Sunday (9/27)in Washington and tomorrow (9/26)the Peoria group is doing the "Hidden Magic" technique. I also had a great Jewelry Basics class with 6 in attendance. I love teaching and sharing what I like to do.

Work: I've been getting plenty of hours at Michaels and have gotten to start carving pumpkins more lately. I've carved 42 so far and have at least that many waiting for me to cut them.
(I really think they are breeding at night in the classroom!) If you'd like to see some we did last year look: HERE. and scroll down a ways. I did take an order for doing a bulldog one too. yikes. It's a school mascot-not sure what to charge for that! I did have another helper carve last year but she has been helping her daughter who was ill and her daughters family. I miss her sitting with me and her wonderful stories.

Personal: My Aunt has been hospitalized recently and just got moved into a nursing home. She has congestive heart failure and her kidneys aren't working properly. I pray she improves & is comfortable.
Well I must go take some photos and add things to my website.... then go to work.
Have a great day! me